If Your Listing Expires, Should You Use the Same Agent to Relist?

If your listing expires, do you need a new agent to relist it?

Do you need a new agent?

If you worked with an agent in the past who was unable to sell your listing within a given amount of time, the agency relationship you had expires and the home is taken off the market.

There are a lot of options sellers have when it comes to relisting. However, relisting with the same agent won’t be effective if they plan to do things exactly the same as they did the first time.

I appreciate that people are loyal to their agents, but if your agent was unable to sell your home the first time, what are they going to do differently if you choose to list with them again?

If an agent failed to sell your home once, what would they change if you give them a second chance?

I appreciate that people are loyal to their agents, but if your agent was unable to sell your home the first time, what are they going to do differently if you choose to list with them again?

It’s entirely possible that you might need to work with a totally new agent. If you spend some time interviewing different agents, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about all of the many ways they could market and sell your home.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

What's the Goal of a Home Inspection?

What kind of home inspection should you get? What happens if you discover a problem?

If you’re getting ready to buy a property, you’re probably wondering what you can do to make sure the home is as good as it seems. A home is a costly investment, so the last thing anyone wants is to spend a lot of money only to encounter some unpleasant surprises.

This is what makes home inspections so valuable. Today, I want to break the subject of home inspections down into two parts.

First, what kind of home inspections should you get? Usually, we recommend that our clients start with a general home inspection. We can certainly recommend a company to our clients, though some clients may already have an inspector in mind. Either way, a general home inspection will provide a basic overview of a home’s condition.

If the home inspector doesn’t find any significant issues, many people will feel comfortable proceeding without further inspections. But if the inspector does find something wrong, they may recommend that you contact a specialized professional, such as a plumber or roofer, to take a more in-depth look at the problem.

At that point, the next step may be to have a specialty inspection performed. But remember, each inspection you have will be an additional cost. Ideally, you should strike a balance between feeling comfortable with the home and not spending too much money on frivolous or unnecessary inspections.

Every situation and every home is different. Therefore, there is no one answer as to which inspections will be necessary.

You should strike a balance between feeling comfortable with the home and not spending too much money.

The second area I’d like to focus on in regards to home inspections is what to do if you discover a problem.

Homes in California are sold as-is. What you see is what you get. This is why home inspections are so valuable. Something we want to help our clients understand, though, is that older homes won’t come in perfect condition. We aren’t going to ask the seller to clean the carpets, repaint, or change out a mirror that’s losing silvering.

When a home inspection is performed, cosmetic issues and upgrades aren’t the focus. If a home was up to code at the time it was built, the seller doesn’t need to make updates that would make it current. If you buy an older home, you should expect to pay some of your own money making these upgrades.

Home inspections are meant to detect issues that are more serious, such as those that cause safety concerns. If you work with our team, we can help you review the inspection. We’ll then negotiate on your behalf to try to see what we can get the seller to fix or give you a credit for. However, the seller can say no to any request, even those that are safety issues.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Which Pricing Strategy Is Right for Your Listing?

Today, I’d like to share three different pricing strategies you can use when preparing to list your home for sale.

Today, I’d like to share three different pricing strategies you can use when preparing to list your home for sale.

It’s important to know that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in real estate. So, when we meet with our clients, we always offer them these three strategies. I could go into a lot more detail on each of these strategies, but I’ll keep it short and sweet for now.

The first strategy is pricing your home high and leaving room to negotiate. This is the strategy we see most often. While this strategy will sometimes work in a hot seller’s market, it can be ineffective if you price it too high. The higher you price a home, the less activity you’ll get. Why? Because every single buyer out there wants a great deal.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution in real estate.

The second strategy is to price your home within market value. If you’re working with a Realtor, they’ll bring you the data from your neighborhood and give you a range of nearby properties. Pricing your home within that range will show buyers that you’re motivated to sell. This will increase the number of people who see your home, and this increases your chance of multiple offers.

The third strategy is one of my favorites, which is the auction strategy. For this strategy, we price your home slightly below market value. When you list your home even just a little beneath what homes in your neighborhood are going for, you’re announcing to buyers that you are ready and willing to offer them a great deal.

The intention of this deal is to draw in multiple offers, which will then generate a higher price. Using this strategy, you’ll often end up selling above fair market value because of the competition you created within your listing.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.