The Downside of Buying a Home

Buying a home can be a very exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. There are a lot of inconvenient things that you as a buyer are going to have to do to get the job done. Today I want to make clear the four main things that suck so you can mentally prepare yourself for the process.
  1. Getting pre-approved. The process only takes 24 to 48 hours, but the documentation and preparation can be very time-consuming because lenders nowadays require a lot of information to make sure that you qualify for a loan.
  2. The search process. Sometimes people can get excited about the search process, but it can drag out for many months and become inconvenient to have to be continually making the time to look at properties.
  3. The escrow process. After you’ve found the right home, the real work starts. You have to start doing things like inspections and signing a multitude of complex documents and contracts. This period can last anywhere from 30 to 60 days, and a lot of stuff has to happen before you can actually close escrow.
  4. Moving. Getting ready to move is the epitome of inconvenience. You have to put everything into boxes, make arrangements to move it, and then find new places for it. We’ve all been there before. It sucks.

Nothing worthwhile is ever going
to be easy.
Now that we’ve got that over with, here’s the good news - nothing worthwhile is ever going to be easy. If it was easy, everyone would do it. If you focus on your goals and your motivation for buying a home, you’ll make it through these hoops. After that, of course, you’ll be sitting inside your new home.

If you have any questions or have something in mind you’d like to discuss with us, please feel free and reach out by phone or email. Until then, happy selling!