Having a well-prepared listing is essential to your success as a seller. With this message, I’ll delve deeper into what it means to get your property ready for the market.
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Too often, they inform me that all the feedback they received related to price. After seeing it for myself, I discover that the home was actually priced fairly, and the real problem was with how the home was presented in its pictures.
Along with price and exposure, preparation is an all-important component for selling your home for a record price. A surefire way to sabotage your own sale is to present the home as is in its listing photos—especially if it’s in a cluttered and untidy state. Nevertheless, I see so many would-be sellers commit this major misstep, which results in their home going unsold.
With hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, it’s important to make buyers feel as though your home will be a worthwhile investment. Once it’s on the market, you can’t think of it as your home anymore. At that point, it becomes a product that must be shown its best light.
With hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, it’s important to make buyers feel as though your home will be a worthwhile investment.
I hope you found value in today’s message. If you know anyone who’s been trying to sell their home and they’ve experienced some setbacks, send today’s message their way.
If your home was previously on the market and you’ve been led to believe that it didn’t sell due to price, please let me know. I’d love to do some independent research and make a determination as to whether or not that’s the case. Not only that, I can fill you in on what my team and I will do to get your home re-branded, relisted, and sold.
If you have any suggestions for future video topics I can cover, please reach out to me as well. In the meantime, happy selling!